“Dystopia: The Future Is Now,” by Sophia Naeem

The title slide for Sophia Naeem’s project, “Dystopia: The Future Is Now”

In this terrifying PowerPoint presentation, Sophia Naeem examines the many ways that the world is heading toward an apocalyptic future like the one described in Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake. She provides specific examples of recent scientific innovations in artificial intelligence, robotics, and cloning, paired with scientific charts and news clips documenting mass extinctions, the effects of climate change, worldwide hunger, and ongoing global war, in order to demonstrate how close we are to a perfect storm.

While “Dystopia, 2050” functions in part as an analysis of Oryx and Crake, revealing just how well-researched Atwood’s post-apocalyptic novel really is, it also functions as a warning in its own right. Naeem makes explicit connections to current events that are rendered vague or remote in Atwood’s near future. In Naeem’s vision, the seeds of our destruction are already here, already named, and already familiar. Will the posthuman apocalypse cease to seem uncanny by the time we arrive?

Read Naeem’s reflection here.

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